International Workshop on Affective Biosignal Processing: Posters

In Utrecht, we are currently closing the workshop with drinks and an informal poster session. In this session, members of the UU Cybernetics group present their research via demo's and posters.

Because we are always excited to share our research with others, we created a digital poster experience specially for you. Please have a digital stroll around our poster room.

If you have any questions, thoughts, or suggestions about one of the posters, please use the Slido link at the bottom of each poster page to ask direct questions to the researchers in Utrecht. We'll try to answer them as quickly as possible. Have fun!

Our posters

Exploring Applications of Predicting Coding Networks

Hi, I'm Bjorn van Zwol and I study a new branch of neural networks called predictive coding networks. Feel free to ask me questions!

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Affective Human-Robot Interaction using Biosignals

Hi, I'm Anneloes Meijer and my research is about the use of biosignals in human-robot interaction. Feel free to ask me questions!

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Artificial Intelligence exceeds Humans in Epidemiological Job Coding

Hi, I'm Mathijs Langezaal and my research focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in epidemiological job coding. Feel free to ask me questions!

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Real-time, High-quality, Noise-resilient Time-Frequency Analysis

Hi, I'm Lukas Arts and my research focuses on efficient signal processing and its use in healthcare. Please feel free to ask me questions!

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Robotpatient Simulators: Infant Manikin for (Advanced) Basic Life Support

Hi, I'm Johan Korten and my research is focused on developing and testing a new infant manikin to improve (advanced) basic life support training. Feel free to ask me questions!

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Towards Universal Access with the social robot Haru

I'm Julie Pivin-Bachler and my research focuses on accessibility in Human-Robot Interaction. Please feel free to ask me any questions!

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Thank you!

Thank you very much for joining our online workshop on affective biosignal processing. We hope we have inspired you with our research. Have good day!