Affective Human-Robot Interaction using Biosignals

Hi, I'm Anneloes Meijer and my research is about the use of biosignals in human-robot interaction. Feel free to ask me questions!


In human interaction, we naturally pick up on each other's feelings and adjust our responses accordingly. Our objective is to bring this intuitive skill to human-robot interaction. We believe that incorporating biosignal information is the key to achieving this goal.

Our research

In our research, we're exploring which biosignals can seamlessly capture long-term affective states in real-time, working towards practical applications. Our findings highlight the effectiveness of Electrodermal Activity (EDA) in indicating continuous arousal states. This insight is valuable for applications in mood, stress, and anxiety assessment.

In partnership with the Honda Research Institute, we're working on equipping the social robot Haru with biosensors. For this, we are leveraging Empatica E4 wristbands, which are unique for their unobtrusive EDA measurement. Additionally, they also measure Blood Volume Pulse, skin temperature, and motion (accelerometer).


In the pursuit of enhancing human-robot interaction, our research utilizes the potential of biosignals. We delve into the applicability of EDA and other biosignals in real-world applications for long-term affective states. Partnering with Honda and integrating biosensors into Haru, we're moving towards a more affectively intelligent human-robot interaction.


Feel free to ask questions about the research via Slido.

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